People who
break the mold face extra challenges every day.
Whether it's people making assumptions about you, being passed over for opportunities, sensory barriers you don't feel safe expressing, or just carrying an extra helping of anxiety/trauma.... these things drain our energy and risk miring us in a life that no longer excites us.
When you face chronic small stressors every day, it doesn't just weigh you down--it can literally change your brain and your genes, making it harder for you and future generations to achieve self-regulation.
The good news is that there's a lot you can do about it, and we're here to guide your way.
Work With Neurodivergence
Embrace what autistic & ADHD (and beyond) brains need to harness inner power and thrive
Embrace Diverse Voices
Overcome bias with a specialist who understands the science and the experience
Lead With Grace
Harness your brain's innate potential for growth by working with a Master Neuroplastician
Meet Sayata Gabriel, m.Npn

The First Stretch
Success hit me young, and hit me hard.
It turned out that my autism and ADHD thrived within the freedom of building a business from scratch. By the time I was 25, I had bootstrapped an internationally renowned content strategy and consulting firm, complete with team of admin staff and strategists.
We worked with organizations ranging from international human service nonprofits to construction firms. As white label subcontractors, we had to fit seamlessly into dozens of different companies and guide clients to building an authentic connection with the people they could help. It was incredible to work in so many different industries behind the scenes, and to learn to harness the team's strength and weaknesses.
Solving Human Problems
Hiring skilled strategists was easy enough, but how do you teach someone to step into a half dozen teams a year and instantly earn the respect and authority you need to lead it to success?
I worked with mentors and began to study leadership and behaviour science. This led to creating resources and courses to more effectively hire, train, and guide my growing team. But finding the capacity to meet our growing demand was still getting increasingly difficult.
I loved it. But it was hard work, and stressful. I stopped sleeping properly, and barely noticed the body pain that dogged me every day. Then my team started to be affected too.
Studying stress, burnout, and resilience became daily reading topics, but somehow we couldn't seem to get ahead of it.
Hitting The Wall
Eventually, the strain caught up to my body. I woke up one morning... and couldn't get out of bed.
My body had decided to say no, and no amount of pushing through was going to convince it otherwise.
I was unquestionably and spectacularly burnt out.
Eventually, I made to the couch and put on an audiobook on stress, hoping to find a solution. But instead, I found tears running down my cheeks as I heard the author narrating describe my exact symptoms and say in no uncertain terms that I was on a joyride towards hospitalization if something big didn't change.
Little did I know I would end up on a journey towards diagnosis for a variety of stress-induced or stress-worsened diseases. In the years ahead, I would need to come to terms with not only becoming disabled, but also being black, queer, autistic, and ADHD. I would lose my husband and my sister to psychosis, lose most of a year to daily migraines, and piece my broken life back together bit by bit as I processed decades of repressed trauma.
Before the end, I would see my business collapse and be reborn, lead dozens of workshops on self-regulation, and become certified as a Master Neuroplastician.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
A New Beginning
Back then, all I knew then was that something needed to change. My team was depending on me. My family was depending on me.
The books clearly weren't enough. They taught me the base science, taught me WHY this was happening. But they weren't written for people like me. People who faced the chronic stressors of daily bias. People who had been masking what makes them different for so long they sometimes forgot where the mask ended. People whose brains (and nervous systems) didn't fit the mold and never seemed to cooperate.
Oh, the information was out there. But all it ever seemed to do was add more to the to-do list. What I needed was a system just as clear and science-backed as those I'd created for my team, but for healing chronic stress and burnout. One that was equally versatile, so that it could be applied no matter what your context.
I decided to create it. And what I created was so powerful that I decided to share it with the world.
Birthing Grow Mighty Leaders
It wasn't easy to get here, but it was worth it. That's why I'm committed to making the journey simpler for you. Whether you're trying to understand yourself or express yourself, I'm here to keep you grounded in the science every step of the way.
Our name comes from a book called Burnout by Dr. Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski, the book I was listening to that fateful day that everything changed.
See, it's not enough to identify what you're running away from. For a true shift in our brain, and therefore our circumstances, we need to know what we're moving towards.
I'm moving towards a diverse world of mighty humans who are connected to their inner power.
What do you want to be moving towards? And more importantly, what if you could actually get there?